Note = There are always exceptional cases, which are real reasons… But those are very few in numbers…
- I will try…
[Never happens]
- Only if I have someone with me… [Can’t you walk, sit in a Rikshaw/Cab, do you live in a place you can’t communicate?]
- I really wanted to but…
[Only if you really wanted to… You could have…]
- We should catch up one day [Why one day…. Let’s decide the date/time /venue rt away]
- It’s raining…. Can’t go to gym…
[Does your gym ceiling leak?]
- I can’t avoid this Wedding… That’s automatically a cheat day obviously…
[Really, is your Sister/brother /whoever has that wedding, crying over increased wt every day?]
There are these and thousands of other excuses we give every day for small small things…
We lie to others… We lie to ourselves… Why?
There could be again thousands of reasons but at the base of everything, there are few realities.
- You want to be accepted by the society /friends /family.
- Who wants a bad reputation right?
- You love to be a victim of situations.
- There is always a payback for avoiding what you actually should be doing.
- You are genuinely feeling you can’t, which may not be the reality as you are not giving yourself that chance.
First and foremost, Accept –
- You are not gonna try.
- You are not sure you want to go.
- You don’t want to.
- You are just saying.
- You are lazy.
- You don’t need to avoid wedding to follow your diet. You just want a cheat day.

All of you remember my old posts?
My favourite work is – Journaling
Jot down the list of 2 things…
- Real situations.
- Your excuses.
Then decide, out of the list of your excuses, what can you start working on first…. And start with honesty.
Excuses can save a day, not a situation.
People will start noticing if it’s your habit.
And they will start avoiding you or make fun of you.
You may lose good friends, good contacts, good clients.
By telling the truth, you may hurt someone, but with honesty you may save the relationship.
Wake up before it’s too late.
© Dr Shilpa Pol [DSP]