Dealing With The Breakdown

Dealing With The Breakdown

Well, it’s not very uncommon scenario in my day-to-day practice unfortunately.
Even the men sometimes cry like a small child in front of you and it’s not very comfortable situation to deal with.
Modern Life Crisis has put this huge burden upon us.
It’s sometimes gradual… It’s sometimes apparently sudden…
No matter what. Not easy to deal with for sure…

What Can We Do?
1. First & Foremost, Recognize The Source
Breakdowns ideally never happen overnight. There is a gradual path down to the bottom, unless there is a sudden blow/setback, like losing a loved one for example.
Recognizing from where it is coming makes our work half done as it rules out or narrow down the possibilities.
One needs to know if the source is any situation or a series of events like a pattern or if it’s a person.

2. Accept The Blow –
Accepting what has happened to you, makes it visible and obvious, and only what is visible, is easier to treat.
Denial, especially in case of some loved one hurting you is very common and must to be identified and accepted to start with the healing journey.
Projecting your pain, diverting your pain will not be of great help.

3. Take A Sabbatical –
Though it’s not always an option or possible, it’s a great choice as it will minimize extra load on your mind.
Whether it is your job or relationship, ‘Time Please’ does not hurt.
Extra load blocks your mind further.

4. Attend The Emergency First –
It’s possible that one might be very symptomatic at physical level and that distress is needed to be worked on at priority basis, as it could cause more harm.
#Example – Shortness of breath, loosies, dizziness, fainting, aggression, headaches, or anything more severe etc.
Listen to your body.

5. Ask For Help If Needed –
One of the main reasons for breakdown is we don’t ask for help at right time. When the damage is minimal or when it is easily treatable.
The reasons for not asking for help could be variable, but recognizing the lines between the lines, if you could catch the alarming signs in time, you definitely can prevent bigger harm in the future.

6. Seeing A Doctor /Psychotherapist /Counsellor /Therapist Is Not A Shame –
Not seeing is definitely a shame.

Some traumas are deep rooted and need to be worked on through our sub-conscious mind. Detailed understanding, different healing techniques can make us empowered to deal with the situation better way.
We though believe that we know it all, we can handle it all, it’s not the truth for anyone.
There are times when 3rd person intervention is needed, especially the one who is not involved in the concerned situation.

7. Medicines –
It’s a huge spectrum and involved all schools of Medicines, having their own strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the one stream that suits you is advisable and do not avoid if it’s needed.
You can go for more healthier, safer, natural sources which will do less harm, and under supervision.

8. Meditation –
I see many people suggesting to do meditation in the cases like depression, breakdowns, Emotional imbalances etc.
I personally feel that meditation has its great role in the healing when one is little settled at Emotional Level, and not when in the intense Emotional Roller Coaster.

9. Stay Away From Toxicity –

  1. Toxic Friends
  2. Toxic Environment
  3. Toxic Relatives
  4. Social Media
  5. Web Binging
  6. Food Binging

10. Exercise Regularly –

  1. Mental – Journaling, Healing Techniques
  2. Physical – Gym/ Swimming/ Sport, Body Massage, Spas
  3. Spiritual – Salt Water Bath, Meditation, Yoga, Pranayama etc.

11. Unconditional Love – 

No matter whose fault it is, when you are unconditionally accepted with your mistakes done in the past, there are chances to break this chain.

so, unconditional love and support by near & dear ones are mandatory for faster and permanent recovery.


This journey is not simple, not short…

It’s not a quick fix…

BUT, with Patience, and Proper Guidance we can beat it.

© Dr Shilpa Pol [DSP]

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