I Am Abundance - Basic & Advanced

I Am Abundance 

Just Think 

  • Do you want to change your financial situation? 
  • Do you want to come out of long burdening debts? 
  • Do you have difficulty in finding job of your choice? 
  • Do you find it difficult to earn up to your needs or expectations? 
  • Does money come and go before you know it? 
  • Do you want to earn more for your self-respect than money itself? 
  • Do you ask yourself often, ‘why me?’ 

If these questions keep you disturbed or awake, this workshop is definitely for you all friends… 

You will learn 

  • What is the exact meaning of Abundance?
  • Why the name of the workshop is ‘I Am Abundance’?
  • How we normally look at money, and how we should look at it? 
  • What are the blockages towards getting enough wealth and tools to overcome it? 
  • Different techniques
  • Many tips like rituals, mantras, meditations, switch words and Energy circles. 

And Much More… 

Main Apni /Apna Favourite Hun!

The Journey Of Self Love

The workshop focuses on the most searched, the most used, and yet the most underrated subject.

Hello Everyone,

How are you all doing?

Loving Yourself Enough?



May Be….?


You don’t know….?

I got it! Maybe the answer is, ‘All above’…

So, how about I shake you a little and take you on that journey within Self, so we together can find that answer?

What, you don’t believe me?

Well, you cannot ever know if mango is sweet, if you don’t taste it by yourself, isn’t it?

So, Who Can Attend It?

Everyone, Of Any Gender, Any Age 

[Above 15 yrs – To understand emotions well].


Superbly Power-packed Realizations With Self Love Processes…and intense discussions.

The most underestimated part in our lives is SELF…

These mesmerizing days are going to be your churning processes in terms of your beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behavioural patterns you are going through…The consequences of which is your current life state.

It is to understand self-love is not just a rosy word but one needs earn the state by eliminating all the thoughts, emotions, beliefs and choices that block one’s journey to see true divine self.

So, let’s understand this self a little bit more and change a little bit here and there, so we can have a life of our own dream

Language Of The Course

Hindi /Marathi /English Mixed as per the participant’s comfort zone. 

Re-charge Your Relationship

Re-charge Your Relationships!

The most attended workshop during locked down period – there are so many testimonials that i had to collage them for you – check the images below

Re-Charge Your Relationship – 21 Days Journey into INNER ZONE Relationship Mastery

Friends, Relationship is a complicated process, and very important aspect of our life.

Being a Relationship Counsellor, I come across many cases where I see how much hurt the people are.

And it’s always painful to see how distorted our vision is about our self, about our partner, about our colleagues or other loved ones.

So, thought of shedding some light on this sensitive topic, as Relationships are important pillar in our life.

Take Away 

21 Days – 21 Tasks

After completing the course, you will learn to understand yourself and other Relationships much better than before, be it personal or professional, with this you will simply be able to create Harmonious Relationships with yourself and with those around you.

Because I personally believe that Relationships act like your backbone if taken in better way and understood more better, because if there were no Relationships, I believe this world wouldn’t have existed at all.

What do you think?

Are Relationships important?

Angel Workshops- Basic & Advance

Angels Mere Dost

Friends, we easily call our friends, our loved ones and spouses as ‘Angels’, but how many really know, what are ‘Angels’?

They are spiritual Beings, the Messengers of God.

They are always with us, help us, protect us, guide us…

But they do intervene in our lives ONLY WHEN ASKED.

In this Workshop, you will learn:

  1. What are Angels? Do they really exist?
  2. How to connect to Angels?
  3. Signs Of Angels.
  4. What are Guardian Angels? How To connect to your own?
  5. What are Archangels?
  6. Which are different Archangels?
  7. Know 15 individual Archangels, what are their individual characteristics, potentials, energies and how can they help us?
  8. How to ask for help in different situations?
  9. My Experiences with Angels.

Chakra Workshop

Know Your Chakras, Know Yourself!

God has been great to us for gifting amazing physical body through which we can take experiences of human existence in this physical reality. But He was more than kind enough to gift us something more which is our BASIC FORM, The Energy Form. Everything in this Universe is a form of Energy. 

So, apart from our physical body that we can see with the naked eyes, we have something unseen, An Energy Body too. We call it, ‘An Aura’.

This energy body is concentrated @ certain centres called as ‘Chakras’.

Chakra translates to “wheel,” as the energy over there has circular movements.

There are millions of such energy centres in our body, but the seven chakras in the body are distinct energy centres that start at the top of your head and end at the bottom of your spine. They regulate all parts of your bodily system, influencing everything from emotional processing to resistance to disease.

By being aware of these energy centres, their movements, we can know a lot about our own energy patterns, our physical as well as our emotional blockages.


The chakra system is an ancient knowledge and is rooted in Indian spiritual traditions. Maintaining the balance of chakras is important for proper body functioning. 

Some methods for maintaining the harmony between the chakras include: meditation, visualization, yoga, essential oils, and food and diet.

Though it has been studied that we have thousands of Chakras in our energy body, there are 7 major Chakras which are broadly considered as important ones to understand.

The seven main chakras are: 

  • Root chakra: Located at the base of the spine, between the anus and genitals. It’s associated with the colour red. 
  • Sacral chakra: Located between the tailbone and belly button. It’s associated with the colour orange. 
  • Solar plexus chakra: Located in the belly button area. It’s associated with the colour yellow. 
  • Heart chakra: Located in the centre of the chest. It’s associated with the colour green. 
  • Throat chakra: Located at the pit of the throat. It’s associated with the colour blue. 
  • Third eye chakra: Located between the eyebrows. It’s associated with the colour indigo. 
  • Crown chakra: Located at the top of the head. It’s associated with the colour purple.

In this workshop, you will learn all about these major 7 chakras, their colours, Beej Mantras, how to meditate on them, how to clean them, align them, activate, and how to protect them, so you can achieve the state of harmony and balance in your life.

The Symbolism

The Symbolism

In every culture, every religion, every school of beliefs, the immense important is given to different HOLY SYMBOLS, and this ritual of drawing these symbols are going from mythological age till new age we are living in.

Examples – Swastik, Om, Gau-chinha or kalash etc.

What if there are symbols which are not only guided but blessed by the Angels themselves?

Yes, you read right!

There are not one, ten or twenty, but all together 88 Angelic Symbols, Known as Zibu Symbols.

They are like scribbles, but guided by an Angel to a Human [all will be discussed in the workshop].

Who Can Use Them?

Each and every one of us.

You don’t need to be a healer or therapist to learn them.

You don’t need attunement or special powers to understand them.

How Do They Help Us?

88 symbols cover almost all aspects of our lives, like Physical, Emotional, Financial, Relationships, and Spiritual.

How To Use Them?

There are various methods that are taught in this workshop.

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