Bach Flower MedicinesIt’s a medicine based therapeutic practice where the medicines are prepared from the divine wild flowers and the spring water. They’re made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants. They have healing effects on mental and emotional aspects of human mind making them empowered.

Being completely natural and having non-synthetic preparations, bach flower remedies are completely safe for all age groups and genders, without any side effects. Even infants or pregnant women can use them without worries. Unlike other medicines, they have no potencies or diet restrictions and they can be consumed even with the food. 

Counselling It is one of the psychotherapy practices where the counsellor, a trained professional helps an individual, a couple, a child-parent duo or entire family to heal their internal and interpersonal issues, gives them clarity of the situation in concern through detailed case taking and diagnostic conversation to come to resolution, also called as talk therapy.

It does not involve any invasive blood tests, psychological testing or medicines to consume. The Counsellor only tries to show the mirror of the client’s problem whether internal or external depending on other people or the situation. It could involve certain home-works or exercises of writing based on the session or meditations if the therapist is trained in that also, not otherwise. 

Clinical Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic way of artificially inducing a heightened state of concentration and focused attention guided by a trained certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist, where hypnosis allows you to be more open to suggestions for making needful changes in your perceptions, sensations, emotions, memories, thoughts, beliefs or behaviours.

This method of healing is misunderstood and misinterpreted on large extent due to the fear induced by the media. There are lot of myths around this therapy in the people’s mind that they fear to take its incredible benefits. So, it becomes the hypnotherapist’s responsibility to spread awareness first by ruling out all the myths and telling the truths of the practice. The detailed blog can be read in our blog section.

Past Life Regression Past life regression, widely known as PLR is a therapeutic way of hypnosis intended to tap on current issues and checking their root cause by regressing back into the memories and events from beyond our current life, in previous lifetimes of us as a human. 

By guiding individuals through relaxation and visualization exercises, this approach enables them to recede back to access subconscious memories, in terms of events, thoughts and emotions around those events, beliefs and actions created by them as a probable root cause from the past incarnations which were not resolved at those times.

Knowing the cause is mere the first step of this therapy , the next being the resolution or the replacement of the deeply embedded block by doing past life regression therapy, the very important step many therapist do not attempt, leaving the client only at diagnosis, and not the healing from the past which is creating current uneasiness.

Chakra Healing Chakra in Sanskrit means “wheel” and it refers to energy points in your body. They are constantly vibrating and spinning disks of energy and responding microscopically to each and every though and emotion we experience. Each of them is connected to our endocrine glands, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. They should always be activated and aligned.

Crystals Crystal Healing is one the energy healing techniques and considered as very popular alternative medicine practice, where precious and semi-precious stones are used for healing various aspects of life, whether physical, mental, emotional, relationships, financial, and spiritual. Crystals work on vibrations created in human mind based on ups and downs in life, thoughts and emotions created by them.

The technique comprises of precisely placed crystals either on and/or around the physical body. Wearing them on body is considered to be more effective. But crystals may also be laid in precise geometric patterns known as crystal grids within the environment.

Tarot and Angel Card Reading Tarot and angel cards are pictorial card-decks like our playing cards, but the pictures on the cards here depict very specific meanings individually and also when placed in certain way called as ‘card spread’

A trained, experienced and certified reader [the way they should be] patiently listens to the querent’s problem and spreads cards in certain design based on the question asked. The cards are pulled by either the querent or the reader himself or herself. The card spread tells certain story around the question and the reference around it. 

These readings are unfortunately taken as predictive science. But it is not true at all. They are so powerful to guide us through our past present and future events.


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