Bach Flower Medicine
The name of the Therapy is based on the name of the Doctor who invented the process, Dr Edward Bach.
Dr Edward Bach was a surgeon in London. But he was also studying Homoeopathy. He was highly delighted by the work of Dr Hahnemann, the founder of the Homoeopathy.
So, he was thoroughly dissatisfied with the way doctors of the time were expected to concentrate on diseases and not the person as a whole. He aspired to more holistic approach to medicine. He was working on bacteria but he wanted to find remedies that would be purer and less reliant on the products of the disease.
He began collecting plants and PARTICULARLY FLOWERS – THE MOST HIGHLY DEVELOPED PART OF THE PLANT, in the hope of replacing the nosodes with the series of gentler remedies.
[Nosodes – Homoeopathic medicines made from the disease secretion, which he only prepared at first place, known as Bach Nosodes]
He found that when he treated the personalities and feelings of the patients, their unhappiness and physical distress would be alleviated naturally as the healing potential in their bodies was unblocked and allowed to work once more.
He found 37 flowers remedies + 1 from the spring water + 1 special combination of 5 remedies [Rescue Remedy] = Total 39 remedies.
- Why not more remedies?
- Why only flowers?
Once he realized these 39 remedies and their combinations if cover all the permutations and combinations of emotional set up of human nature, there was no need for more.
He prepared the flowers only, for they grow above ground in the sunlight and the air, and contain in their hearts the embryo seed, the continued life of the plant.

Dr Bach placed 38 remedies into 7 groups.
- Fears.
- Uncertainty and indecision.
- Loneliness.
- Insufficient Interest in present circumstances.
- Oversensitiveness to ideas and influences.
- Despondency and despair.
- Overcare for the welfare of the others.
As I always say that nothing comes on your body without its being in the mind
Treating mere physical body is never enough. The body is a mirror of reflecting thoughts in the mind. These thoughts are Energized by our emotions /feelings. Our emotions are ENERGIES IN THE MOTION. They rule the game.
So, it’s the sufferer who needs to be treated and helped to overcome his tensions, worries, fears, anxieties, hopelessness, depression or anger and guilt.
First Dr Bach prescribed his nosodes based on patient’s temperamental difficulties only. No physical examination needed, no laboratory tests needed and treatment could begin at once without a delay. The results were excellent.
When the negative thoughts had been overcome, the body would also respond.
Clinical Hypnotherapy
First and foremost, let us understand what is hypnosis.
The word ‘Hypnos’ has come from Greek Mythology, meant ‘Goddess of Sleep.’
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, a sleep like state which can happen naturally or can be induced artificially with certain techniques.
Often, it is called as ‘Trance’ state.
It creates heightened state of concentration and focused attention.

A trained therapist called as Hypnotherapist, induces such sleep like state in the client for client to be distracted from all the disturbances of the world, where the conscious mind is quietened to become very sensitive to deepest layers of sub-conscious mind where all the root cause of the current problems lies in the form of suppressed memories of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
When a therapist uses the technique of hypnotizing the client, creating this trance like state, aiming to heal client’s current issues, the technique is known as Hypnotherapy.
Being a doctor, counsellor and a psychotherapist, Dr. Shilpa Pol uses Hypnotherapy effectively to heal clinical issues like long standing physical diseases, mental and emotional disorders, behavioral issues, belief systems, traumas by getting to the root cause deeply embedded in the client’s subconscious mind.
Hypnosis allows you to be more open to see, feel and re-experience your life traumas vividly, to be open to suggestions given by hypnotherapist for making healthful changes in your perceptions, sensations, emotions, memories, thoughts or behaviours.
Each person differs in their ability to get hypnotized. A person’s fears or concerns about losing control, and surrendering to the therapist, may interfere with their ability to be hypnotized.
Unfortunately, as people are quite scared of this modality because of many myths running around through TV Serials, News Paper articles about frauds and yes, also due to half learned and mal-practicing healers and therapists.
You can read about common Myths around Hypnotherapy in our blogs in detail.
On 23rd November 2003, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recommended the use of hypnosis in counselling procedures. Kindly note that, it is approved as a type of alternative medicine.
Hypnosis is neither a Medical Treatment nor the replacement for any medical or surgical intervention if required.
Past Life Regression
Going back /receding back beyond current life in the life we have already lived.
Past life regression is one of the healing modalities where we aim at healing the roots of most illogical and unexplainable patterns of our life.
- If some person has not got justice in one particular life, then next immediate or subsequent lifetimes are affected accordingly and that person attracts all those people and situations to balance the wrong. And when that person faces such people or situations, one cannot justify our emotional roller coasters of thoughts, feelings or actions. These thoughts or emotions could be positive or negative.Like we love some people or we hate some people without any logical reason and we feel they do /do not have nice vibes.
- Constant loss in the money /job /business again which cannot be explained logically.
- Constantly losing valuables.
- Some relations where we cannot stay together and we cannot stay separate also.
- Some physical and emotional issues.
- Congenital/ by birth diseases.
- Sometimes your birth marks.
- Constant failure in relationships … Like break ups or multiple divorces or fear of commitment.
These are possible examples.

How to do it
At Eternity, it is done by Clinical Hypnotherapy.
In hypnotherapy, once hypnotised, client is given suggestion to enter the particular past life which is needed to be seen /which is the root cause of the current issue in present life.
Once that particular life file is opened, as much information as possible is collected, especially related to the problem the client is facing in current life.
Sometimes, we need to see more than one life for the same problem as every life has some aspect of the same problem.
PLR Therapy
Once you see any past life, what’s next?
Once you know the root cause, shouldn’t we heal it?
As that is the life once lived, we cannot edit /delete it, but yes as I always say, we can detox it.
So, second session is taken where rescripting happens. Unless we do that, nothing changes.
Rescripting creates positive replacement, an overwriting, and a new happy memory of same life.
Chakra Healing
God has been great to us for gifting amazing physical body through which we can take experiences of human existence in this physical reality. But He was more than kind enough to gift us something more which is our BASIC FORM, The Energy Form. Everything in this Universe is a form of Energy.
So, apart from our physical body that we can see with the naked eyes, we have something unseen, An Energy Body too. We call it, ‘An Aura’.
This energy body is concentrated @ certain centres called as ‘Chakras’.
Chakra translates to “wheel,” as the energy over there has circular movements.
There are millions of such energy centres in our body, but the seven chakras in the body are distinct energy centres that start at the top of your head and end at the bottom of your spine. They regulate all parts of your bodily system, influencing everything from emotional processing to resistance to disease.
By being aware of these energy centres, their movements, we can know a lot about our own energy patterns, our physical as well as our emotional blockages.
The chakra system is an ancient knowledge and is rooted in Indian spiritual traditions. Maintaining the balance of chakras is important for proper body functioning.
Some methods for maintaining the harmony between the chakras include: meditation, visualization, yoga, essential oils, and food and diet.
Though it has been studied that we have thousands of Chakras in our energy body, there are 7 major Chakras which are broadly considered as important ones to understand.

The seven main chakras are:
- Root chakra: Located at the base of the spine, between the anus and genitals. It’s associated with the colour red.
- Sacral chakra: Located between the tailbone and belly button. It’s associated with the colour orange.
- Solar plexus chakra: Located in the belly button area. It’s associated with the colour yellow.
- Heart chakra: Located in the centre of the chest. It’s associated with the colour green.
- Throat chakra: Located at the pit of the throat. It’s associated with the colour blue.
- Third eye chakra: Located between the eyebrows. It’s associated with the colour indigo.
- Crown chakra: Located at the top of the head. It’s associated with the colour purple.
In this workshop, you will learn all about these major 7 chakras, their colours, Beej Mantras, how to meditate on them, how to clean them, align them, activate, and how to protect them, so you can achieve the state of harmony and balance in your life.
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